Yeah, I wanna be out and about. Today was good for that though. This weekend................meh. Actually, it was good. Friday I worked at the good ol' food bank where I gave single mothers some lots of goodies. I mean LOTS. They wanted me to give out like 3 or 4 at a time! We don't only feed hungry people, we make em fat! After work, I came home, but didn't want to stay home. I met Stephane and we hung out with a few people at Lyndsay's boyfriends house. The next day, we went to the garbage pick up as invited by the cute girl. It was slow going at first, but everyone there was getting ready and set up. There was a BIG group of people, like 200-300, all ready and rarin' to go. The plan was to pick up garbage, litter, wash windows, clean corners of buildings (grass buildup and whatnot) clean graffitti and have a BBQ for the homeless down there. About half the group showed up and we did a good job for an hour and a half. We took a small break, which ended up being the end of our job. However, it wasn't without result! We breaked, because going up the street were other volunteers coming back from cleaning up! From what we saw, every alley way and street had garbage picked up from the designated area. They were still washing windows and cleaning grass, but still! The effort was amazing! I really was surprised. It really made me see the result of "many hands making light work!" It showed that if everyone did a little bit, everyone would only HAVE to do a little bit. And with that, we decided to finish our rest in the park. Although I wanted to do a bit more, my group was done, and I still think that we contributed. After the chinese participants left, it was Felix, Heather, Jamie and I. Some Christian teenagers came over and gave us fake million dollar bills. Before I could say "HAHA! I'M A MILLIONAIRE! I CAN BUY YOUR SORRY FRENCH ASS FELIX!" the guy explained the "million dollar question" He was selling Jesus, but none of us were buying. He gave his speech, we poked a few holes in it, he said that's okay. None of us seemed that religious and we sorta agreed to disagree. By the way, did you know it's considered adultery to even THINK of those naughty thoughts of the opposite sex? I am SO going to hell. But I will be grinning. When they left, we did too, to Heather's house in West Bank, along with Jonathon and Jack. We just chilled for awhile, watched a bit of television (something you take for granted in Katimavik I'll tell you that!) and then made PEROGIES!!! Home made! From scratch! Apparently, Heather and Jamie, both supposed experts, had different views. But everyones turned out awesome! Especially Jonathons. Damn Chinese sure know how to deep fry! They were good. It was late, but Jamies host-sister, Kelsea, was nice enough to give Felix and I a ride to Queensway station. Quite a night.
And today wasn't half bad either. We received an email a few days ago from Maxime, our supervisor, asking us what we should do for Gary's birthday. He's my counterpart by the way.
We haven't done much in planning. With Brenda's ideas, I shot some suggestions to everyone over email, but talking to Maxime on msn, he was saying I should get on it, poking how I had mentioned in my interview I'm a go-getter, and should get going. It really hit my personal pride. I like to think I am, but I guess he took it another way. I've been a little wavering in my leadership department; kind of pondering my own, others, and just the idea of it. My Project Leader in Katimavik once tried to explain her point of view of my leadership, that I'm one from the shadows. I appear when needed it seemed. I don't want to be like that. It's just pleasing everyone. I'm the kind of leader who asks everyone what they think, what we should do, trying to get their opinions and hence form my own after hearing views from everyone. Especially because I have this tendency to be wrong, of have the wrong idea, misconstrued. I'm eager, but not prepared. Needless to say, it irked me. So I cranked the adrenergy tunes (that's what I call the music that gets you all pumped) and I went at it preparing Gary's birthday party. It was an intense....hour and a half. I'm fast! I emailed everyone details from what bus to take to our house, to bring a potluck dinner, what time, that we'd go mini-golfing after, how much, for how long. And after, I phoned them all to confirm, because although almost all of us have internet, it doesn't seem to be the best form of communication. Everyone accepted it. I think having something actually planned and ready to go was good for most people, so they accepted it. Maxime agreed, it works best with this style of group. Waiting around doesn't work. You really have to step up and take it upon yourself to say, "this is gonna happen!" I'm really out of my comfort zone here. But I think it's something I'll be working on for the duration of the program. I was still in that mindset afterwards, so I decided to go geocache hunting. I grabbed my bike and rode, rode, rode. I found THREE today! I was quite proud of myself. Got to be out and about on a gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon. I was happy. I'm just gonna keep searching. But soon, I'm really gonna need a GPS. But until then, WOO!
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