Let me explain some of my titles - I hate coming up with clever titles, so they sometimes pertain to the chapter I'm writing about, other times, they are random yet funny quotes from my dear group members. I have been forming a habit of writing down random quotes that people say, so that should we ever hear the quote again, we can laugh as we are reminded of a whole story that we had forgot.
I'm not gonna lie. It was a brutal week of work. Brutal in the sense that it sucked ass. But what came afterwards was always worth waiting for. One such thing was an amazing show: the History of Kung-Fu. Yes. Kung-fu! The very same ass-kicking moves that everyone loves to see, with a bit of story to it actually. It was awesome. We attended Lyndsay and Lilly's EAD on social services which was interesting. I know I use that word a lot when describing the EAD's, but its appropriate. And it was there we met Ben and Jackie, other CWY supervisors who were visiting. Jackie was cool for several reasons. First, lets rewind to the day before. Jamie called me about the kung-fu show and then out of the blue, asked me if I knew Kelly and Glenn and "JAKE!" to which I finished his sentence. He was naming Katimavik people I met in Hazelton. Jackie found out there was a participate in our group who was from there, and was getting Jamie to see if I remembered them. Jackie was their Katimavik supervisors! I met her! THIS was the small world connection I was waiting for here in Beijing! It happened several times in Katimavik, and I knew it would happen again. It actually spawned a web of connections, with Katimavik, CWY and random people that I knew who were all connected through me. I actually drew a map, which was unbelievable to a few of my friends. It's too much to write, but I'm gonna try to get an online drawing or something to show you. The world is not a big place, that's for sure. So after the EAD, we were asked who wanted to go to the Great Wall. There was an impromptu trip that would happen the next day. I really wanted to go back, and take much more pictures, so I went. It was a big Saturday planned out; wake up early, go to the Great Wall in the day, come back, and go clubbing and stay in a hotel at night. Flawless, right? Well, we managed to get to the Great Wall, Felix, Saidie, Heather, Jamie, Jackie and I. Jackie told many stories, and just loved Hazelton, which just made me beam. From taking a 2 hour bus ride, to bargaining a price for a small truck taxi, we finally made it. It was beautiful, absolutely thwomped Badaling and was the high point of quite possibly the entire program. I vowed to take as many pictures as I could. I think 400 oughtta do it. But some are extra. So worth it though. It was not touristy, for you could see barely a group of people 3 towers away. There were few sales people, who walked after you for awhile, but weren't too bothersome. We respected them a bit more then those at the major tourist spots. The wall was even more steep then the other wall in some parts, but I conquered them just as well. 10km went by so fast. I really want to go back already. They didn't have gondolas or even roller coasters, but this section DID have a zip line across a river! But no one else wanted to do it. I figured it was one of those things that would just be the icing one the cake, a one of a kind experienced. I walked away though, because no one else wanted to do it and I was afraid we'd get lost on the other side. I was a bit disappointing. You have to remember though: I'm Devon-fucking-Flynn! I nagged Felix, and it didn't take much, until he broke and we ran back, and bought our cheaper-then expected tickets. 35 yuan, about 5$ for a zip line on the great wall? Best $5 anyone could ever spend! I filmed it of course. I could go home satisfied, my trip to China had been topped off. We met up with our friends after. We did some more haggling for another taxi ride, and then caught the bus home. It was an amazing day, but didn't end there. The bus was slow getting home, and we were supposed to meet the girls at a club. Yuchans cousin reserved us a table, and we had to be there by 9:30pm. We were very rushed. I came home for not 5 minutes, not seeing my host family all day. I quickly changed, no shower (we'd be dancing anyway) ate 4 strawberries that were on the table and left. My host dad asked me, like always, if I had eaten. I said no, and I was really hungry, but couldn't stay. I felt a little bad, but time was of the essence. And the essence stunk! A few of us got there right on time, cold and hungry, and there was no sign of anyone else. The rest of the girls were late. They showed up and we went in and had a blast. Drinking and dancing and talking all night and all morning. There were more foreigners then Chinese in the club almost! We had an awesome time, playing drinking games, meeting new people. I laugh every time I chat with a pretty girl in Chinese, she thinks my Mandarin is good. I even met some cute Mexicans, taking a break from Shanghai. You never feel out of place with foreigners from everywhere. We got to the hotel at 6am! I was awake for a good 24 hours, and it was one of the best 24 hours I've ever had.
The next morning, most of us went for a full-english breakfast at a quaint, quiet cafe in a hutong near the Llama Temple. It was great, because it was awesome after morning food, but also because it was a regular breakfast. Sausages, eggs, toast, beans, button mushrooms, hashbrowns, bacon. I kid you not, I almost cried. And when I picked up that fork, an odd feeling came over me. I haven't used a fork before that. Sure, it may have been heavy, but it still felt weird. I've been in China too long. It was the most delicious meal I have had here. Actually, one of the most expensive too, 65 yuan. But as with most things, it was so worth it.
So obviously, I'm very tired today. We all were, and are a little crabby to say. But it's not because of the previous activities (although I'm sure a 10km hike and partying all night doesn't leave people too bubbly the next morning) but it is now exactly one month until I return to Canada, although not necessarily home. I'm sure it's spawned lots of personal thinking and reflection. It has to me. I tried not to start counting, but it was hard. I started at 1 month, 9 days. I miss home. I've added a lot more to my to-do list, which things are being crossed off slowly but surely. The 2nd visit to the Great Wall, the latest. Many of us have personal things to get done, some having to do with our host families, some counterparts, some back home with loved ones or work. I have all of the above. I'm not sure what it's going to do to the rest of us. But talking with Jackie, and indeed everyone around me, it's concreted the fact that this is my story, not anyone elses. This is my experience, to which I have to make the best of. I have a month to figure out how to do that.
I'm not gonna lie. It was a brutal week of work. Brutal in the sense that it sucked ass. But what came afterwards was always worth waiting for. One such thing was an amazing show: the History of Kung-Fu. Yes. Kung-fu! The very same ass-kicking moves that everyone loves to see, with a bit of story to it actually. It was awesome. We attended Lyndsay and Lilly's EAD on social services which was interesting. I know I use that word a lot when describing the EAD's, but its appropriate. And it was there we met Ben and Jackie, other CWY supervisors who were visiting. Jackie was cool for several reasons. First, lets rewind to the day before. Jamie called me about the kung-fu show and then out of the blue, asked me if I knew Kelly and Glenn and "JAKE!" to which I finished his sentence. He was naming Katimavik people I met in Hazelton. Jackie found out there was a participate in our group who was from there, and was getting Jamie to see if I remembered them. Jackie was their Katimavik supervisors! I met her! THIS was the small world connection I was waiting for here in Beijing! It happened several times in Katimavik, and I knew it would happen again. It actually spawned a web of connections, with Katimavik, CWY and random people that I knew who were all connected through me. I actually drew a map, which was unbelievable to a few of my friends. It's too much to write, but I'm gonna try to get an online drawing or something to show you. The world is not a big place, that's for sure. So after the EAD, we were asked who wanted to go to the Great Wall. There was an impromptu trip that would happen the next day. I really wanted to go back, and take much more pictures, so I went. It was a big Saturday planned out; wake up early, go to the Great Wall in the day, come back, and go clubbing and stay in a hotel at night. Flawless, right? Well, we managed to get to the Great Wall, Felix, Saidie, Heather, Jamie, Jackie and I. Jackie told many stories, and just loved Hazelton, which just made me beam. From taking a 2 hour bus ride, to bargaining a price for a small truck taxi, we finally made it. It was beautiful, absolutely thwomped Badaling and was the high point of quite possibly the entire program. I vowed to take as many pictures as I could. I think 400 oughtta do it. But some are extra. So worth it though. It was not touristy, for you could see barely a group of people 3 towers away. There were few sales people, who walked after you for awhile, but weren't too bothersome. We respected them a bit more then those at the major tourist spots. The wall was even more steep then the other wall in some parts, but I conquered them just as well. 10km went by so fast. I really want to go back already. They didn't have gondolas or even roller coasters, but this section DID have a zip line across a river! But no one else wanted to do it. I figured it was one of those things that would just be the icing one the cake, a one of a kind experienced. I walked away though, because no one else wanted to do it and I was afraid we'd get lost on the other side. I was a bit disappointing. You have to remember though: I'm Devon-fucking-Flynn! I nagged Felix, and it didn't take much, until he broke and we ran back, and bought our cheaper-then expected tickets. 35 yuan, about 5$ for a zip line on the great wall? Best $5 anyone could ever spend! I filmed it of course. I could go home satisfied, my trip to China had been topped off. We met up with our friends after. We did some more haggling for another taxi ride, and then caught the bus home. It was an amazing day, but didn't end there. The bus was slow getting home, and we were supposed to meet the girls at a club. Yuchans cousin reserved us a table, and we had to be there by 9:30pm. We were very rushed. I came home for not 5 minutes, not seeing my host family all day. I quickly changed, no shower (we'd be dancing anyway) ate 4 strawberries that were on the table and left. My host dad asked me, like always, if I had eaten. I said no, and I was really hungry, but couldn't stay. I felt a little bad, but time was of the essence. And the essence stunk! A few of us got there right on time, cold and hungry, and there was no sign of anyone else. The rest of the girls were late. They showed up and we went in and had a blast. Drinking and dancing and talking all night and all morning. There were more foreigners then Chinese in the club almost! We had an awesome time, playing drinking games, meeting new people. I laugh every time I chat with a pretty girl in Chinese, she thinks my Mandarin is good. I even met some cute Mexicans, taking a break from Shanghai. You never feel out of place with foreigners from everywhere. We got to the hotel at 6am! I was awake for a good 24 hours, and it was one of the best 24 hours I've ever had.
The next morning, most of us went for a full-english breakfast at a quaint, quiet cafe in a hutong near the Llama Temple. It was great, because it was awesome after morning food, but also because it was a regular breakfast. Sausages, eggs, toast, beans, button mushrooms, hashbrowns, bacon. I kid you not, I almost cried. And when I picked up that fork, an odd feeling came over me. I haven't used a fork before that. Sure, it may have been heavy, but it still felt weird. I've been in China too long. It was the most delicious meal I have had here. Actually, one of the most expensive too, 65 yuan. But as with most things, it was so worth it.
So obviously, I'm very tired today. We all were, and are a little crabby to say. But it's not because of the previous activities (although I'm sure a 10km hike and partying all night doesn't leave people too bubbly the next morning) but it is now exactly one month until I return to Canada, although not necessarily home. I'm sure it's spawned lots of personal thinking and reflection. It has to me. I tried not to start counting, but it was hard. I started at 1 month, 9 days. I miss home. I've added a lot more to my to-do list, which things are being crossed off slowly but surely. The 2nd visit to the Great Wall, the latest. Many of us have personal things to get done, some having to do with our host families, some counterparts, some back home with loved ones or work. I have all of the above. I'm not sure what it's going to do to the rest of us. But talking with Jackie, and indeed everyone around me, it's concreted the fact that this is my story, not anyone elses. This is my experience, to which I have to make the best of. I have a month to figure out how to do that.